12 juin 2024

Prepare black tea

Black tea, an ancestral and refined drink, requires careful preparation to reveal all its flavors. Pagès, French infuser since 1859, guides you step by step in the art of preparing perfect black tea.

Steps for preparing black tea

1) Doheat the water

The first step in making black tea is to heat the water. The water must be brought to an ideal temperature to release all the aromas of black tea without altering them. Generally, a temperature of around 90°C to 95°C is recommended. Preferably use a kettle with temperature control for greater precision.

2) Measure the black tea

The dosage of black tea is crucial to obtain a balanced infusion. As a general rule, allow about one teaspoon of black tea per cup, or about 2 grams. If you are making a pot of tea, adjust the quantity based on the number of cups you want. Feel free to adjust the dosage according to your personal preferences.

3) The steeping time of black tea is long

The infusion time is decisive for the final flavor of your black tea. An infusion time that is too short will not allow the aromas to fully develop, while an infusion that is too long could make the tea bitter. Generally, a 3-5 minute infusion is recommended. For a stronger tea, you can slightly extend the infusion time.

What to pay attention to when preparing black tea?

Water used to prepare black tea

Water plays a fundamental role in the quality of your infusion. Choose spring or filtered water to avoid unwanted tastes present in tap water, such as chlorine or limescale. Pure and balanced water will reveal all the subtleties of your black tea.

Brewing time

As mentioned previously, brewing time is a key element to successful brewing. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for your black tea and adjust according to your tastes. Remember that each variety of black tea may have specific steeping time requirements.

The amount of black tea used

The quality of black tea used directly influences the concentration and flavor of your drink. Find the right balance that suits your taste buds.

By following these simple but essential tips, you will be able to prepare a black tea worthy of the greatest connoisseurs. Enjoy each cup and let yourself be carried away by the captivating aromas. Pagès wishes you an exceptional tea experience.



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