17 février 2022

Medicinal plants

For many years, medicinal plants have been used. The earliest uses of these plants are said to date back to roughly 7,000 years before our era. These traces have been found in China, Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Many civilizations have used these plants in various ways, but mainly for the purpose of curing diseases or preventing them. And even still, nowadays, medicinal plants are used on a daily basis whether in the form of medicines, food supplements or even in the form of an infusion. And in addition, there are very few side effects caused by the use of these plants. But beware, medicinal plants must be used with great care. They can be used in addition to treatment to improve well-being, relieve minor infections such as a cold or even in prevention such as the arrival of winter to boost your immune defenses.

But do you know what a medicinal plant really is?

C’est tout simplement une plante issue de la nature et qui possède des propriétés thérapeutiques. Mais bien sûr avant de savoir les propriétés propres à chaque plante, les Hommes testaient instinctivement les plantes en les cueillant tout simplement, à l’époque. C’est ainsi qu’au cours du temps on a pu faire le tri entre les plantes qui peuvent être utilisées par les humains, celles qui sont toxiques et quels sont les effets sur le corps.

Of course, plants can be used in infusion, which is very simple and a very quick way to benefit from the benefits of each plant. You can even make your own herbal teas at home. For this, care must be taken to use only certain parts of the plants such as aerial parts, leaves and flower heads. However, the roots can also be used provided that they are cut very finely.  Then, all you need is a teapot to heat your water, a cup and let it all steep for a few minutes. Of course, if you don't have the time or simply if you're a little lazy, you can go to our online store to get our best herbal recipes.

The best known and used medicinal plants are first of all Wormwood which is very useful to fight against digestive disorders. There is also Cocoa against mood disorders. Eucalyptus is also very useful for coughs.

At Pagès, the medicinal plants that we incorporate into our recipes and that we particularly like are:

  • Le Tilleul (Tilia cordata)  is a plant with a sedative action on the nervous system, in other words it soothes. It is for this reason that we advise people who have difficulty falling asleep. Linden is known for its ability to remedy restlessness. And of course, Linden is also known to promote difficult digestions.
  • Chamomile (Chrysanthemum parthenium) is a plant that contains more than a hundred components. This plant is known to treat digestive disorders, skin irritations and sore throats. The most famous benefit of Chamomile nevertheless remains its soothing ability. It is used to promote sleep and relaxation.
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)  is a plant with multiple benefits. It is recognized in particular for its ability to calm migraines, provide restful sleep (it is said that for this it is necessary to place a sachet of Lavender under your pillow before bedtime) but it also visibly helps to fight against insect bites and even the bites of vipers! Indeed, Lavender is well known for its calming properties. Stimulating and aromatic, Lavender is said to aid digestion. It is also recommended in case of cough.
  • The Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)is a plant that has many virtues, some having been proven by medicine, others resulting from beliefs or habits still relevant today. Work has proven that the Dandelion acts by increasing the quantity of bile as well as the contractility of the gallbladder. This is why it is said that it can act on the liver. Excellent depurative and draining, Dandelion is known to eliminate various toxins.



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