8 novembre 2021

What are the benefits of thyme infusion?

You have certainly heard of herbal infusions, like Mint, a Verbena, a Linden or even Ginger. These hot drinks devoid of calories that help us warm up to the temperature that makes us shiver can also cure certain ailments. At the onset of winter, it seems important to us to share with you our most valuable advice on the benefits of Thyme infusions.

Physical characteristics of Thyme

Thyme is a small shrub measuring about 25 centimeters in height. While the leaves of this small shrub are 6 to 12 millimeters long. To thrive, Thyme needs lots of sunlight, which is why it needs to be exposed to natural light all year round. From May to July, the plant will be able to flower to the bees' greatest happiness. Indeed, its purple spikes attract them, hence the existence of Thyme honey. And yes, Thyme honey is certainly less common than Acacia honey, but its benefits are not to be overlooked.

The origins of thyme

First of all, let's take a historical look at the origins of Thyme. It is an aromatic plant very popular in Western Europe. The word "Thyme" comes straight from the Greek "thymos" and means "perfume". Les Romains étaient aussi de grands adeptes du Thym et surtout les femmes. Elles avaient pour coutume de brûler des branches de Thym dans le but de purifier l’air de leur maison ou tout simplement pour chasser les animaux malvenus. Mais ce sera durant la période du Moyen-Age que nous allons en apprendre plus sur les propriétés du Thym. En effet, l’utilisation du Thym va commencer à se répandre au-delà des frontières Romaines. De nombreux écrits vont vanter les vertus de la plante.

Bien que cette herbe aromatique soit très populaire dans le monde, les français l’apprécient tout particulièrement aussi. C’est une plante médicinale aux multiples propriétés. En effet, le Thym est utilisé depuis la nuit des temps et plus précisément depuis l’Antiquité pour ses vertus antivirales, anti-micro bactériennes at antiseptiques.

Composition of Thyme

The Thyme plant is very rich in active ingredients. But, its health benefits come directly from its high thymol content. Thymol is an anti-infective, which is found to be very useful in dealing with the cold of winter. It is thanks to thymol that Thyme has this easily recognizable and rather pleasant smell.

The benefits of Thyme

Everyone knows thyme is famous for being a natural remedy for sore throats, but did you know that it can also aid digestion by soothing bloating? And yes, Thyme is a multifaceted plant full of health benefits in addition to having a flavor with  provencal aromatic note. Si vous avez tendance à préférer les boissons sucrées, n’hésitez pas à rajouter plutôt une cuillère de miel que du sucre raffiné pour apporter une touche de douceur et adoucir par la même occasion votre gorge. En cas de rhume, de toux, de nez bouché ou tout simplement à l’arrivée d’un mal de gorge, ne perdez pas de temps et concoctez-vous une petite infusion au Thym. On dit que c’est très efficace ! Pour cela, rien de plus simple, il faut seulement vous munir d’eau bouillante et d’un sachet d’infusion au Thym. Le Thym possède également des flavonoïdes, ce qui va permettre de détendre vos muscles. Juste avant de dormir, cela peut s’avérer parfait pour vous aider à vous décontracter et passer une nuit paisible.


Thyme infusions have a rather high vitamin K content. Therefore, for people who are taking anticoagulant treatment, it is best to be careful when consuming this drink. Also, for people allergic to plants of the labiate family including Mint, Sage, Rosemary or Lavender should avoid consuming thyme infusions.

Regarding the side effects, thyme tea does not cause any particular problem and it is rather rare to see reactions in consumers of Thyme infusion. However, when used as an essential oil, Thyme can cause skin irritation.

Did you know ?

Thym infusions can also be a beauty asset. And yes, we are going to reveal this last secret to you, all you need to do is moisten a cotton ball with a Thyme infusion that you have allowed to cool beforehand to see the quality of your skin improve. Thanks to Thyme say goodbye to pimples and redness, if we believe the writings!


Discover our Thyme infusions:

  • Organic Thyme and Mint Infusion – In this infusion, the two plants are associated to guarantee you natural and intense flavors that will remind you of the freshness of Nature. In this recipe, Thyme brings Provençal notes in order to successfully marry the minty freshness of Mint.
  • Organic Thyme, Lavender and Rosemary Infusion – In this infusion, three plants make up our signature recipe with aromatic notes. They are associated with the aim of providing you with a unique organoleptic experience.



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