7 février 2019

Tea and well-being

Tea and headaches

To relieve headaches, several natural solutions can be considered: the application of Peppermint essential oil on the temples is one of the best known, as is the consumption of caffeine-rich drinks. It is the latter that interests us here. Tea leaves, like coffee, contain caffeine, at an average of 3.75%. Like coffee, tea can help relieve headaches.

It is also said that poor digestion is related to the onset of headaches. The relationship with tea? The latter is well known for improving transit and facilitating digestion.

How to consume this well-being tea to fight against headaches?


Tea and digestion: this drink can improve transit and digestion but also limit digestive migraines

Digestive migraines are rare, but exist and mainly affect people with gluten intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome. Also, by relieving the digestive system, it is quite possible to soothe a headache attack. For this, tea and digestion are generally good. 

It’s true, tea is diuretic and helps to eliminate more easily. Because of this, or two cups of tea after a rich meal or too much watering effectively limits the risk of digestive migraines.


Tea: thanks to its caffeine content, it relieves headaches

We have just mentioned the relationship tea and digestion in the relief of digestive headaches.

But tea, like coffee, contains caffeine, a molecule that acts on the diameter of blood vessels.


Caffeine has a vasoconstrictive effect. In other words, it is directly related to the diameter of the blood vessels, which it decreases. As a result, it relieves headaches quickly and effectively. Drinking tea can help relieve migraine, depending on the case. It is nevertheless important to note that in case of headaches, an overconsumption of caffeine is not beneficial. You have to know how to use it properly, so that it is beneficial only. Like all good things, it should be used in moderation. 




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